Monday, 12 March 2018


                       '' Wake me up in the morning,
                         Or I will be late  for school,''
                          I messaged to the sun,
                          Shining on the other side of the globe.

                                  And the very first rays of the day,
                                  Entered my room silently, 
                                  Falling directly on ,
                                  My dreaming eyes!

                       '' Wake me early tomorrow ' 
                        I've to go for a walk in the park '',
                        I whispered to the birds,
                        Nestled in the tree near my bedroom. 

                                 And while it was still dark outside,
                                  I heard their chirruping and fluttering,
                                 Just outside my  window,
                                 Breaking the silence of the dawn!

                         '' Could you  wake me at four, Mother ''
                           I asked  her, with my eyes drooping,
                      '  ' I have to revise my notes,
                            For  tomorrow's exam .''

                           She did wake me up,, 
                            At the right time,
                           Just when I needed to,
                           And wished me good luck.

                           I thanked her as she  left,
                           Then noticed a chair,
                           By my bedside,
                          That didn't use to be there.
                            It was learnt only  later
                           That she had kept sitting all night,
                           Lest she should fall asleep
                            And fail to wake me up 
                                At the right hour!


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