Hail to you o charming guest!
The most awaited and cherished
Landing majestically onto the earth
With the ceremony of a real king!
The one whose advent does signal,
Sure retreat of winter chill,
That has been unkind indeed,
With killing snow and cruel wind.
And truly its atrocious ways,
Could be borne with patience,
Just due to the deep-set hope,
That you are following close on heels,
And will arrive on time as ever,
To put an end to the winter chill,
Making the departing cold give way,
To pleasant warmth and sunshine.
Like a child, I watch in awe,
The good earth rising up in cheer,,
As if from slumber, long and deep,
Now with a look vibrant and fair.
All around me I see and hear
Birds with varied plumes and sounds
Singing with glee in their joyous flights
Or hopping about in sprightly cheer.
The koel's musical notes come drifting,
From mango orchards in full bloom,
Promises of fruits, as well, come riding,
On the wings of warm spring air.
Even the dry and pallid landscape,
Is now abuzz with life's business,
Dressed in green, she looks refreshed,
With a host of living beings around.
The diligent bees are busy as ever,
Dancing around the friendly flowers,
Collecting nectar they need to make,
Honey for themselves and for others.
Joy abounds on the earth and skies,
Nature is smiling, and with it goes on,
Celebration of life and re-creation,
Leaving behind all past losses.
These shows of gaiety and exuberance,
Are sure signs of your blessed presence,
Mirrored in the world of living beings,
And even in so-called insensate things..
Hence, hearty welcome o royal guest!
Though as a visitor on a sojourn here,
Pray, stay with us for a little longer,
Extending the bliss that you kindly offer.