Wednesday, 11 September 2019


 An enemy hidden in your  body, 
Strikes  suddenly  in the thick of night,
       Making you suffer from the kind of pain
 You never felt before.

 With the first rays of the sun,
 You rush to your physician, 
 Who refers you to a surgeon promptly 
Making things even scarier.
                                                        And the gentleman in  green apron,       
                                                       Consoles you with a smile in the O.T.
                                                     " You will be fine soon, don't worry "
                                                        With his voice fading into silence.

                                                     Two hours later you are told,
                                                     That the culprit has been nabbed,   
                                                     And taken out for good to ensure,
                                                      The end of all the trouble.

                                                    You stare at the big stone in horror,
                                                    But also feel  blessed  and enriched
                                                    With  true understanding of the phrase
                                               "THE KIND CRUELTY OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE "