Motherhood --
A blessing or a challenge?
Or both of them finely rolled,
Into a status unique in itself?
A privilege granted by God,
To all females on the earth,
Making them akin to Nature,
The matriarch of all creatures.
She who sows the seeds of life,
All over the lands and oceans,
Rendering this planet evergreen,
Pulsating with life and meaning.
And Oh! This motherhood bliss!
An emotion bordering on ecstasy,
Felt by all with maternal instincts,
Be they humans, animals or birds.
But is this joy an end in itself,
Or a tough challenge in disguise?
The beginning of a life long strife,
To last for the whole of life?
That starts with raising the tender infants,
Fast as they grow into playful children,
Followed by wayward adolescents,
Till they settle as seasoned adults.
Time flies without your noticing it,
When they find their wings strong,
And are anxious to soar even higher,
In distant skies of their own choice.
Watching them fly confident and free,
My heart does swell with a queer emotion
What shall I call it? A humble pride,
Or just a deep sense of satisfaction?
So what if the nest appears empty,
It still is full of fond memories,
And gifts of love and care pour in,
Whenever I feel a need for them.
Reason enough to pamper myself,
That I haven't failed in meeting well,
The Sweet- sour challenges of motherhood,
As the essence of life forever!