When words fail to speak, tears do,
And his tears were not the usual ones,
we see welling up in the eyes,
In the wake of immense sorrow or joy.
Springing up from the painful feeling
Of honest labour turned fruitless
His tears were indeed priceless,
In their true essence.
They were neither 'unprofessional ',
Nor a sign of weak spirits,
But a proof that he is a human,
And not an artificial machine.
And it was not only he that cried,
As he was instantly joined,
By millions of his countrymen,
In those midnight moments.
His silent tears pronounced,
In the most significant way,
That intellect and emotions are,
But two facets of the same coin.
It's the perfect blending of the two
That places humankind,
At the highest pedestal of creation,
Above all other living creatures.
Hence, if you feel an urge for crying,
Don't try to stifle those tears,
As they are nature's unique gift,
Awarded only to human beings.
1 comment:
Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
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