The Feathered Wonders

These wondrous creatures,
With beautiful plumes,
Painted meticulously,
On the boundless canvas,
From the earth to sky.
Models of Nature's perfect art,
Source of joy and wonderment,
Emanating pleasure with beauty, All around, perpetually.
As if immersed in the paint,
Made in Nature's secret vault,
Vibrant, glowing and richly coloured,
Each one, a rainbow in itself.
Equally blessed do they sound,
With voices varied and sweet,
As they Chitter, chatter and peep,
Warble and coo in melodious tweets.
Who but Nature is the super artist,
That created this living blend,
Of colours, sounds, and patterns,
And put it in these tiny frames?
Oh! How I wish to borrow and feel,
A little of this enviable grace,
Even for a short and transient phase,
It would indeed be an immense bliss!
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