Monday, 22 February 2016


I saw him fight  that night
Not against an enemy at the front 
But a few unreasonable minds
Bent upon degrading
Things and values
He held uppermost

As the love of nation was being termed 
'Forced nationalism '
And shouting abusive slogans
Against one's own  motherland
Was being justified
In the name of freedom
Of expression.

Even the emblem of national honour
The Tricolor 
Was made a topic of heated debate.

And  the veteran soldier's heart 
Could no longer contain 
His sorely injured feelings
 At the most unsavoury  reasoning
Offered by the so-called liberals

And we saw him react  and burst,
Pour out his anguished  heart
Like a thunderbolt at first,
Then  shouting with a lump in the throat
And  helpless tears  at last

His voice silenced all 
And made everyone  realize 
That he was in earnest to react
And  express his strong feelings
With that unusual retort.

That the nation and its honour
Are over and above all else
Are the succour we all live by 
For who lives if the country is dead 
And who dies so long as it is alive  .!

Thursday, 18 February 2016


   O you killer peaks of Siachen!                                Cruel has been your whim,
  Ignoble and insane,  
 To unleash your deadly assault,
 On duty-bound   sentinels,
 Without giving them a chance,
 To fight and prove their mettle.

  Look, every sensitive  heart,,
  Is  struck with a rude shock,
  Wondering what prompted you,
  To play a game so unfair.

  Wasn't it an act of deceit,
  Vicious and  cruel,
  To trap them so unawares,
  In that most unjust warfare?

   Had  some evil impulse,
   Overcome you all of a sudden?
   Mischief so mean  otherwise,
   Couldn't be your normal action.

    Or did you feel challenged,
    Insecure or belittled,
    By the superhuman fortitude,
    Of the heroes posted there .?
    No, they  hadn't been there,
    To dare your sky-high stature,
    Nor disrupt your pristine solitude,
    Or blemish your snowy splendour.
     They had come there trudging, 
     The tough mountain terrains,
     To guard the precious lone posts,
      Bordering their own motherland.
      Just to keep a silent vigil,
      On and around the fields,                                                                                                                                Lest some evil eye should dare,
      Desecrate the sacred portals.

      Yes, they were there braving,
      The most inimical  climes,,,
      Performing their duties in earnest,
       As sacred, religious rituals.
      Then why did  your cruel avalanche
        Hit  as if they were your foes,
          Buried  them alive in ice,
         Hiding their very existence?

      But be not proud you agent of Death!
      Of cutting short their  physical beings,
      For stories of their matchless courage, 
    Will   keep echoing in the air  around you
     And in the mind and heart of the nation !!


Wednesday, 3 February 2016


            Hail to you o charming guest!
          The most awaited and  cherished
          Landing majestically onto the earth
          With the ceremony of a  real king!

       The one whose  advent does signal,
        Sure retreat of  winter  chill,
        That has been  unkind  indeed,
      With killer snow and cruel wind.

           And truly its atrocious ways,
          Could be borne  with  patience,
          Only  due to  the deep-set  hope,
          That you are following close on heels,

          And will arrive on  time as ever,
          To put an end to the winter chill,
          Making the departing cold give way, 
          To pleasant sunshine and life warmth.

              Like a child, I watch in awe, 
            The good earth rising up in cheer,,
             As if from slumber,  long and deep,
             Now with a look vibrant and fair.

            All  around me I  see and hear
            Birds with varied plumes and  sounds
            Singing with glee in their joyous flights
              Or hopping about in sprightly cheer.

         The koel's musical notes come  drifting,
          From mango orchards in full bloom,
          Promises of fruits, as well, come riding,
           On the wings of warm spring air.

           Even the dry and pallid landscape, 
          Is now abuzz with life's business,
          Dressed in green,  she looks refreshed,
         With a host of living beings around.

          The diligent  bees  are  busy as ever,
          Dancing around the friendly flowers,
          Collecting nectar  they need to make,
          Honey for themselves and for others.

          Joy  abounds  on the earth and skies,
          Nature is smiling, and with it goes on,
           Celebration of life and re-creation,
             Leaving behind all past losses.

           These shows of  gaiety and exuberance,
            Are sure signs of your blessed presence,
           Mirrored in the world of living beings,
            And even in so-called insensate things..

           Hence, hearty welcome o royal guest!
           Though  as a visitor on a sojourn  here,
            Pray, stay with us  for  a little longer,
           Extending the bliss that you kindly offer.