In Memorium ......................... Lest we should Forget
Let us all bow in reverence and gratitude, my countrymen,

who stood as an iron wall facing the shower of bullets
to defend the sanctity of the Parliament, the pride and honour of the nation
Despite Death dancing around, did not leave the post of duty
till the nasty plot of terror was not foiled and smashed to the ground!
And we all, across the country, heaved a sigh of relief !!
Could it have been possible without the keen alertness and valiant action of a handful of security personnel?
And, Alas ! some of them did not live to see the result of their eventful fight!
But their supreme sacrifice has been definitely engraved in the history of martyrdom
as well as in the hearts of people who, I am sure, will not forget to light a few candles
in their hallowed memory !